![]() On occasion, I receive correspondence from various people asking me how I know what I know about birth and motherhood, since I have no children of my own. They want to know where I trained and what sort of "hidden agenda(s)" I might have. I take this as a compliment. There is a lot of varied information out there about childbirth, motherhood, fashion, and nutrition. I'm so thankful I don't have to know everything there is to know about those things. I don't know everything there is to know about childbirth and motherhood! And if you've ever met me, you know I'm hopelessly fashionless. My credentials are outlined on my website, if you want to know what all of the fancy letters mean (squat, in fact). So while you're here, please enjoy the laundry as I air out my closet. I believe: The baby will come out. It's amazing, but true. You will not be pregnant with this baby forever, and you can probably give birth vaginally. If your provider says you can't, and you want to, ask lots of questions and/or get a second opinion. The overwhelming majority of the time, a women grows a baby/babies she can give birth to. It does not make sense that we have lived 3.5 million years on Earth by growing babies too big to birth. It's a tight squeeze, and in very rare cases it is not physically possible. We are lucky to have modern medicine and obstetric care. When problems arise, babies come early, mamas get sick, or accidents happen, we are incredibly fortunate to have access to lifesaving procedures, medications, and information. Doulas are superheros. And worth every penny, even if you love your provider, your spouse and your mother and want everyone in the room when you give birth. What's a doula? How do you choose? How do you hire me as your doula? You are not expected to know everything about birth before you have your baby. And if you do, it's a waste of time. You are not going to turn around and deliver the next baby, you just need to know enough to feel confident in your team. A birth class will tell you what you need to know. The internet is for porn. (That's a line from a musical). The internet is not for birth or mothering advice! There are safe places where you can get good, reputable information, and great places where you can network and commiserate about how long it has been since you peed alone. Dr. Google is not your friend. What to Expect When You're Expecting is not worth your time. This book is about being afraid. Being very afraid. The authors forgot that birth is normal and that everyone walking around was born. I recommend these alternatives. Breastfeeding is normal, natural, and possible (and comes with some hurdles). The hurdles are real and without help, it can feel impossible to move forward. Help exists. Learn about it. Please ask me. Everyone is trying to sell you things, because you're part of a "market." For instance, I would like you to come to my classes. Other people want you to buy things not because you need them, but because they are selling them. This includes me. You don't need prenatal yoga. You don't need a crib skirt. Right? Boobs and a carseat are the only things you actually need before baby comes. If you're pregnant, you're halfway there. You can buy things later, I promise. Motherhood isn't all roses and rainbows. Everyone has a different journey to motherhood, with different baggage. You do actually need Mom & Me yoga to form a community where you can remember that you're doing everything right (even when you do something wrong). There are bad mothers out there, but you're probably not one of them. Everyone tells me, "I'm such a bad mother!" Then they talk about the time they put junior in mismatched socks, or turned their back and he rolled off of the couch, or gave him formula. Everyone makes mistakes, and mistakes do not make you a bad mother. You are beautiful. Yep, you. Even if you're covered in spit up or your ankles are as wide as your hips. Mama lions are amazing and so are you. Rawr. That's my agenda. I reserve the right to amend it at any time. What did I miss?
7/2/2013 12:49:40 pm
I love this! And yes everyone needs mom and me yoga!! Love the ladies and the babies!! :)
7/2/2013 03:39:39 pm
Thanks for your perspective. Very nicely put.
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About meI'm one of those people who loves making your life easier (and I believe in you). I am an experienced registered prenatal yoga teacher and a lactation educator. Want more? My monthly newsletter might be for you.
April 2014