Postpartum doulas from Birthing From Within My friends call me frugal, and boy are they right. I love a good “double ad day” sale and Craigslist as much as anyone can. So it might surprise you to know that I never take the 6am flight. When planning a trip, I used to be persuaded by price. I cleverly locked in the least expensive flight home for the holidays or the least expensive flight to Hawaii, changing my dates and times until I got right down to the cheapest flight possible. Then, the night before the flight I would go into a cold sweat. Knowing that I had to wake up at 3:00 am to drive to the airport and be there two hours early for my 6:00 am departure, I feared I would sleep through my alarm and have to pay a ticket change fee. My sleep was always full of nightmares ranging from packing to missed flights to peeing my pants on the plane because I didn't have enough time beforehand. Driving to the airport, I was always foggy-minded, frustrated, and usually cold. Security was a mess, too. Three hundred people who, just like me, have rarely seen this side of 7 am trying not to appear stoned or start fights in line when they realize they wore their chain mail undies in their rush out the door. I remember thinking: I would totally pay $50 to skip all of this crap and take a 10 am flight like a regular human. And so I do. Each time I pay a little more for my ticket, I know exactly what I'm getting for that $50: a better night of sleep, a reasonable commute, and companionship of humans rather than zombies in the security line. So what does this have to do with a postpartum doula? Were you thinking I posted on the wrong blog? A postpartum doula can change your early parenthood from a string of six am flights to a string of ten am flights for $50 per night or less. Now you may not know what you would be like if you routinely got up at 3:00 am and had to get to the airport early with other zombies. I can assure you that after my thorough travel experiences, it will not do great things to the condition of your personal hygiene, relationships, or sense of humor. I believe that adjusting to your baby routine has the potential to be a little nuts, too. What Postpartum Doulas Do: Help with Breastfeeding. If the last time you experienced breastfeeding was on the other end of the nipple, you likely have some questions about how to latch, how often to feed, how to sleep, and when to enlist the support of a physician and IBCLC. The postpartum doula is like a breastfeeding tour guide with helpful tips and tricks. Infant Care Tips and Support. A lot changes in the first few weeks of a newborn's life! Skin, poop, hair, clothing, bathing, all of those tidbits you didn't know to ask during your childbirth education class are old hat to a postpartum doula. Light Housekeeping. Not all postpartum doulas will do housework, but many will load and unload the dishwasher or washing machine. They will certainly help you understand how to wash baby's laundry and any pumping supplies or supplemental breastfeeding supplies you use. Mama Support. If mom needs a nap or an extended bath, the postpartum doula can offer to sit with the baby and only rouse you if needed. She can also offer information about normal changes your body is experiencing as hormones do a square dance in your bloodstream. Postpartum mood swings are normal, but postpartum mood disorders are something that can be aided dramatically by the right support from a doula or healthcare provider. She will know when you need a good cry and who to refer you to if things get a little darker. Mary Poppins. Some postpartum doulas will offer additional services, like sibling care, light errand running and meal preparation. If you don't have reliable friends and family in town (or if you'd prefer the help without the "additional help" your mother-in-law can offer) find a postpartum doula who will happily step in. Is it worth the money? You should decide what is right for your family. Consider registering for postpartum support rather than crib skirts and decorative borders. Postpartum doulas offer their services in a variety of formats, from daily services to scheduled weekly services, to on-call for middle of the night meltdowns. The nice thing about postpartum doulas is that you don't need to decide in advance of baby being born, but if it sounds like a good option, I recommend retaining their services in advance so you can have the smoothest flight possible. I offer some postpartum services Interested in a Labor Doula?
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April 2014